FFXI Wedding
Ceremonies Information
Provided by the staff at The Vana'diel Lobby (http://www.vanadiellobby.com)
Service Plans
Weddings in Vana'diel?
At Vana'diel wedding ceremonies, two characters exchange
vows of undying love.
- Marriage in Vana'diel is regarded only as a personal
commitment between the couple and does not grant any special rules or legal
Wedding services include:
- A wedding ceremony with an exchange of rings
- Wedding rings for the bride and groom
- Wedding rings: These special rings commemorate the
marriage of the bride and groom. They cannot be sold or traded, and they do
not imply any special rules or legal conditions.
- Celebratory crackers for wedding guests
- Crackers/Fireworks: These crackers are specifically
made for wedding celebrations. They are used by the guests as the ceremony
concludes and the newlyweds exit.
Ceremony Time
- Wedding ceremonies can be held from Wednesday to Sunday
(there are no ceremonies on Mondays and Tuesdays). You may request a ceremony
starting at 2:00 PM, 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM (PST). The bride, groom, and chaperone
must arrive one hour before the ceremony to confirm arrangements, so please
request a date and time slot when the above parties have ample playing time.
Ceremonies will only be conducted at the times shown above.
Windurstan Style
- Windurstian weddings are based on a traditional
Tarutaru ceremony created by the first Star Sibyl. A Sibyl Celebrant
presides over the ceremony in the Star Sibyl's place. This is an excellent
choice for those who want a cheerful ceremony. The bride and groom must
each prepare an offering of food beforehand.
San d'Orian Style
- In a traditional San d'Orian wedding, the bridge
and groom swear lifelong loyalty to each other before the goddess Altana.
A Temple Knight presides over this solemn ceremony. The bride and groom
must bring their weapons to the ceremony for their vows.

Bastokan Style
- Registrars from the Department of Industry preside
over these informal and relaxed ceremonies. The bridge, groom, and guests
join in a toast with drinks provided by the president.
Where to Apply
- To submit an application for a wedding, log in to the
PlayOnline Viewer.
- At the FINAL FANTASY XI main menu, select Compendium,
then Weddings.
- The button for the application can be found at the
bottom right of the page.
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- A chaperone must submit the application.
- Applications are handled on a lottery basis.
- The desired date and time may not be available.
- We cannot accept applications from the bride or
- The application must specify the bride and groom.
- Both the bride and groom must have at least one job at
level 20 or above.
- The characters to be wed must be of different genders.
- Wedding ceremonies only include the services specified.
- No special items or equipment will be provided.
- No monsters or NPCs can participate in the ceremony,
- Anywhere from three to thirty-six people, including the
bride, groom, and chaperone, can attend the ceremony,
Wedding Expenses
- Wedding service fees vary with the size of the
Small ceremony (3 to 10 people)
20000 gil
Medium ceremony (11 to 18 people) 30000
Large ceremony (19 to 36 people)
80000 gil
Jeuno (20 people)
80000 gil
- Price includes facility rental fees, administrative
fees, and the cost of celebratory goods.
Wedding Ring Engraving
- The wedding rings provided for the ceremony are
specially engraved to commemorate this joyous occasion. There are two types of
engraving available:
(1) Marriage spouse's name
e.g., If the groom's name is 'Cloudwalker' and the bride's name is
'Destiny,' the engravings will be as follows:
Groom's ring ' Destiny
Bride's ring ' Cloudwalker(2) Couple's
e.g., If the groom's name is 'Cloudwalker' and the bride's name is
'Destiny,' the engravings will be as follows:
Groom's ring ' DtoC
Bride's ring ' CtoD
- Engravings can only be applied for through the
Wedding Ceremonies application form.
- You can apply for ring engravings in Section 13
('Wedding Ring Engraving') of the application form.
Picture of a wedding ring
(Wedding Dress)
- Wedding dresses are available for a nominal fee.
- Optional services are currently available only for
the bride.
- Wedding Dress Set: 50000 gil
- Head: Bridal Corsage
- Body: Wedding Dress
- Legs: Wedding Hose
- Feet: Wedding Boots
- Wedding applications are available on the Wedding
Ceremonies top page.
- Please specify any optional services desired in the
'12. Notes' field.
- The wedding dress and wedding rings are commemorative
items for the bride and groom. They cannot be traded or sold.
Examples: Hume
| Elvaan |
Tarutaru |
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The following services are
not included:
- Special events (receptions, etc.)
- Ushering or monitoring guests
- Dealing with disruptive parties
- Guests are responsible for their own actions.
Please refrain from the
- Delaying the wedding ceremony
- Fighting during the ceremony
- Disrupting the ceremony or encouraging others to do so
- If any such actions occur, the ceremony will be
cancelled immediately.
- Wedding applications can only be submitted via the
wedding service application form.
- If you do not receive a reply within a week, your
mail may have been lost. Please resubmit your application.
- If your desired wedding site is not listed, please
specify the location (area name, coordinates) along with your reasons in the
application's '12. Notes' field. Note that ceremonies cannot be held in the
following locations:
- Crowded areas (e.g., auction houses, town entrances)
- Dangerous areas (e.g., monster lairs)
- Places that would inconvenience other players (e.g.,
areas with NPCs related to missions or quests)
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San d'Oria
Caffaule's Manor (Indoors)
Caffaule's Manor (Outdoors)
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Port Bastok
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Acolyte Hostel
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Temple of the Goddess
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Copyright © 2003-2021 Robert J. Funches d/b/a The Vana'diel Lobby.
© 2001-2021 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. Title Design by
Yoshitaka Amano.
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All trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their
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The Vana'diel Lobby is a Funches Media venture.
All information and pictures taken from the Wedding Ceremonies section of the
FINAL FANTASY XI ONLINE Compendium, available through PlayOnline, and is the
property of Square Enix Co., Ltd. Updated 4 June 2004. The Vana'diel Lobby is
not responsible for incorrect or inaccurate information.