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Guide provided by The Vana'diel Lobby |
Lamia |
Apkallu |
Orobon | Imp
A bewitching race of beastmen with an upper body like that of a Hume woman and a
lower body resembling that of a venomous serpent. The Lamiae are few in number
compared to the other beastmen inhabitants of the Near East.
However, they have ensorceled the bones of fallen soldiers, creating an undead army of considerable size to defend their reef settlements.
Lamiae are known to sneak into towns in the depths of night, wielding powerful bows and hunting humans to replenish their armies; hence the Near Easterners' dread of sunset.
According to rumor, Lamiae are not technically a race of beastmen, but actually a form of organic weapon (also known as a chimera), created by alchemists fusing the parts of multiple organisms.
A variety of sea bird that lives in flocks on Near Eastern islands. On dry land,
Apkallu only waddle about on their short legs, but the ocean is a different
story. They propel themselves through the water with finlike wings at high
speeds, enabling them to catch fish.
In the Near East, the Apkallu are a protected species and are referred to as "The Sages of the Sea." Perhaps that is why Apkallu do not fear people and behave in a friendly manner. However, angering an Apkallu is not recommended.
A species of gigantic fish that inhabits the seas of the Near East. The orobon
attracts its prey with fluorescent, rainbow-colored appendages that dangle
before its mouth. Rigid scales protect it from its thrashing victims, while jaws
filled with dozens of tightly packed teeth prevent escape.
As the orobon usually roams the ocean floor, its existence was known only to a handful of Near Eastern fisherman and gourmets.
However, since the delicate flavor of this fish was documented in the travel log of an important official, the orobon has become a common topic of conversation. It is said that the Culinarians' and Fishermen's Guilds have begun offering a reward to anyone who can help them acquire a specimen.
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A diminuitive species of demon, frequently sighted in the Near East
in recent times. Though skilled in the use of elemental and dark magic, these
natural-born cowards are not considered a threat when encountered alone.
They do, however, carry a horn, from which they produce a deafening noise of a scale completely out of proportion to their tiny bodies, warning their allies and startling enemy forces.
In the time of the Great War, imps were given the roles of scouts and messengers in the Shadow Lord's armies, and are thus well known to veteran soldiers even on the continent of Quon.
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